Administration and setup of your InfoDeli System is done online by your designated site administrators. Alternatively, InfoDeli’s tech services and content management team can facilitate the entry and set up of your system. Product setup is similar to any traditional catalog software. Each item in the catalog, if you’re setting up a marketing materials type InfoDeli, contains a product name, description, model number, links to a large and small product image, and a link to a digital file if a digital version of the item exists.
Access Level Planning and Setup
InfoDeli Systems administrators can limit and customize access to specific documents, maximum order quantities and item availability for different user groups through access level management. Admin users can customize access levels for any group of users that they would like to have utilize their organization’s InfoDeli. This might include top-level internal users that have complete access to all items or external vendors who can utilize the system but only see a specified subset of items, and order only a specified fraction of the available items. The same access level system can also limit the brands, keywords, categories, types and special queries available to any group specified by the administrator. To summarize, different users can log into the same URL and see different menus, items and availability by attaching those users to your designated access groups.
Flexible Search Setup and Administration
To assist sales and marketing professionals to quickly locate their items by a variety of methods, InfoDeli Systems administration backend also allows admin users to create a variety of ways to locate your marketing materials. These multiple correlations can be similar to traditional corporate, marketing, branding and product structures. For an InfoDeli licensee who might have multiple divisions, the system allows you to designate certain documents within your system as being linked to one or more of your corporate divisions. Products can also be linked to one or more of your corporate brands. The products themselves can be divided into your own taxonomy of product categories and your own taxonomy of product types. To add even more flexibility to the location of those documents, admin users are allowed to create keywords associated with the documents in the system. Those keywords can, in turn, be used in the search function to locate a specific item, or groups of items, that have been flagged with your own keyword taxonomy. The system also allows for the creation of special query phrases that will appear as menu items when locating specific groups or individual marketing materials in your organization’s InfoDeli System. This lets sales and marketing managers designate groups of materials that be can be quickly located by clicking on the special query links.
Often this type of product information exists across different information systems. InfoDeli tech services department can bulk import existing data into the system to jumpstart an organization’s use of the system.
Inventory Reporting and Order Tracking Capabilities
Admin users also have the ability to track and view all orders that have been placed into the system and manage each individual user’s recipient lists. In addition, they can add inventory quantities to the system, or they can rely on their fulfillment house to adjust quantities based upon actual receipt of items to be marked as available in the system.
Specialized Reporting Functionality.
InfoDeli’s tech services department is also available to create specialized product inventory reports, order analyses, and user management reports.